COD communication cluster tubes making machine

COD communication cluster tubes making machine

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COD communication cluster tubes  are a new type of micro-cable protection sleeve. They are made by extruding HDPE (high-density polyethylene) resin and have the following advantages: 

1. Strong compression resistance: The inner tubes of COD tubes are tightly attached to the inner wall of the outer tube during the production process. The inner tubes are smooth, which makes the construction convenient.

2. Strong compression resistance: The inner tubes of COD tubes are tightly attached to the inner wall of the outer tube during the production process. The inner tubes are smooth, which makes the construction convenient. 

3. Strict pressure testing: The inner tubes of COD tubes are pre-tested with strict pressure before being used in the production of the complete COD tubes. In addition, the special helical shape of the outer tube enhances the compression resistance of the traditional PE straight tubes. Therefore, the compression resistance of COD tubes is extremely strong. Even in the event of an earthquake or building collapse, it can ensure safety. 

4. Strong acid and alkali resistance: COD tubes have extremely strong acid and alkali resistance, so they can be corrosion-resistant during the laying process in sea water or wetlands, thereby protecting the communication line. 

5. Long production length: The production length of COD tubes can reach more than 1,000 meters per roll, thereby improving the laying efficiency of communication lines.

The advantages and functions of the cluster tube and COD tube equipment:


• High efficiency in production and processing.

• Stable performance and reliable quality.


• It is mainly used for the production and installation of pipeline systems, providing a stable and reliable pipeline connection. 

• Can meet the requirements of different engineering applications, ensuring the smooth operation of the pipeline. 

Cod communication bundled tubes are mainly used in the field of underground pipelines in communication lines, especially in highway optical cable pipelines. It can also be used in municipal projects, such as threading, optical cable threading, construction projects, etc. In the industrial field, Cod communication cluster pipes can be used as wiring pipes in chemical industry, environmental protection and other industries. In addition, it can also be used in electrical and telecommunications engineering as a protective tube for various power cables. 

Cod communication bundle tube outer diameter dimensions can vary based on specific product models and specifications. The outer diameter of common Cod communication bundle tubes is generally between 25mm and 2200mm.

In actual applications, the specific outer diameter size may vary due to different manufacturers, product series and customer needs. If you need to know the outer diameter size of a specific model or specification of Cod communication bundle tube, it is recommended to refer to the technical specification sheet, product manual of the relevant product or contact the manufacturer to obtain accurate information. 

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2024-05-24 11:35:05

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